Plan Room
Evolve FM
Plan Room
Evolve FM Plan Room is designed as a repository for the electronic files related to your facility. Plan Room integrates simple document storage and retrieval with your facilities management solution. Evolve FM Plan Room allows users to securely access the electronic documents through an intuitive interface anytime, anywhere.
In many cases, a high-end document management solution is more than a company is looking for. It’s too costly, too difficult, and too time consuming for the simple tasks that need to be accomplished day-to-day.
What these organizations are really looking for is a simple, easy-to-use, searchable document library – an electronic filing cabinet that can be accessed across your intranet or the internet.
No more preparing drawings and documents for contractors or staff. No more last minute requests for as-builts. No more searching for your electronic documents across multiple locations. Evolve FM Plan Room consolidates your electronic documents into one secure, searchable database accessible via your intranet or the internet.
Not sure if you’ll ever look at that document again but still unsure about deleting it? Archive your older drawings/documents using Evolve FM Plan Room so they’ll be there if and when you need them. With Plan Room, you can manage your archival and current documents with ease, keeping your archival documents separate so they don’t clutter your current documents.
Evolve FM Plan Room allows users to search through thousands of electronic documents quickly and easily. Using any populated field in the SQL database, the user can narrow their selection, highlight the drawings and documents they want, and download them to their desktop.
Evolve FM Plan Room allows you to do all this and more. Built upon the core Evolve FM platform you get the flexibility of a free form document storage tool with the security and searchability of an SQL database. All using proven technology and browser based access.
Plan Room, like the rest of the Evolve FM application suite, can be hosted locally inside your IT infrastructure or in the Cloud as a SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution accessible via a browser from anywhere you are in the world.
Evolve FM
Simple, Cost Effective Plan Room.

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Plan Room Management Overview
Overview of fundamental features in Evolve FM Asset Management!
- Check the demo video right now